Associated thesis

This repository is part of a Master’s thesis with full documentation available at


KSquares is an implementation of the game squares

KSquares screenshot
KSquares screenshot

AI opponents


Rule based ai. Knows not to give away boxes, chooses chains at random.


Rule based ai. Like Easy, but opens shortest chain first.


Rule based ai. Like Medium, but is able to do Double Dealing to keep the game under control.

Very Hard

Alpha-Beta search algorithm.


Alpha-Beta search algorithm in a windows application that is run with wine.


MCTS with neural network. Can only play on 5x5 boards.


Alpha-Beta serach algorithm. Slightly unstable. Executed with wine.


Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithm which uses Easy (A), Medium (B) or Hard (C) AI for the simulation step.


Interface for direct play against various neural networks. In the AI configuration dialog, you can select the network with the AlphaDots model drop down list.

MCTS ConvNet

Like MCTS A,B,C but uses ConvNet for simulation.

You can find the code in src/aiConvNet.[h|cpp].


MCTS as described in the paper about AlphaZero

Relevant code files:


There is a test suite called alphazero that tests if the MCTS actually finds new smart moves that the network would not have made.

This AI offers the following hyperparameters and configuration options:

You can also set most hyperparameters in the GUI:

AI MCTS AlphaZero configuration dialog
AI MCTS AlphaZero configuration dialog


You can run various test suites with CMAKE_BUILD_DIR/test/ksquarestest. Call ksquarestest without arguments to execute all available test suites. You can select individual test suites by passing their name as arguments. For example:

ksquarestest hardai berlekamp

Each test suite is based on QTest Options after -- are passed to QTest. The following example will list all tests in the hardai test suite.

ksquarestest hardai -- -functions

The test suites are:

For more details take a look at the tests page.

AlphaDots in KSquares

AlphaDots uses KSquares for


Please make sure to correctly configure AlphaDots in KSquares by entering the Alpha Dots directory in KSquares -> Settings -> Configure KSquares -> Computer Player.

Clone this git repository to get Alpha Dots:

git clone

You might also want to install tensorflow-gpu in python for GPU acceleration.

Data generators

You can generate training data by running ksquares with certain command line arguments. To explore some of the datasets with a graphical user interface, run this:

ksquares --show-generate

You can only have one board size per dataset. Models can be trained on many datasets of different size.

All dataset generators accept the following optional command line arguments:

FirstTry data generator
FirstTry data generator

StageOne / StageTwo data generator




First Try

Converts random Dots and Boxes games played by the Hard AI to images. One training example consists of two images:

All data is written to disk as actual .PNG images. Input and target images share the same sample UUID.

After generating the training data images, a python script needs to be run to convert the images to a numpy array.

mkdir firstTryDataset
ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator firstTry --dataset-dest firstTryDataset
../alphaDots/datasetConverter/ --dataset-dir firstTryDataset --output-file firstTry.npz --debug
input image
input image
output image
output image

Stage One

The input and target images are no longer generated as individual image files but are sent directly to the python script instead. Communication is facilitated with zeroMQ which is used to send images that were serialized with the protobuf library.

This dataset also introduces weak (random) moves so that there are examples of early captures. 10% of all samples end with a random move. The target image is always made with the reaction of the Hard AI. Due to an oversight, the first version had a bug so that 90% of all samples were made with a random move. Models trained with the buggy version include StageOne and AlphaZeroV1,V2,V3.

ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator stageOne --dataset-dest /mnt/DATA/stageOneDataset --dataset-width 7 --dataset-height 5

Basic Strategy

During the first phase of a Dots and Boxes game, there is a very large amount of acceptable lines. Usually the Hard AI just selects one of those many lines at random. The trained neural network does not know that there are many alternatives to the shown target image. This dataset aims to remedy this by putting all viable lines in one target image.

ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator basicStrategy --dataset-width 7 --dataset-height 5
Basic Strategy input image
Basic Strategy input image
Basic Strategy output image
Basic Strategy output image


Despite the efforts in Basic Strategy, the trained models were not able to compete even with the Medium AI. The main innovation compared to the Easy AI is the ability to count chains - i.e. only handing over the chain with the least amount of squares. To do this, an AI needs to count the number of squares in each chain and decide accordingly.

Previous datasets were used as training data for convolutional neural networks, which lack the ability to count things. As a consequence, a new model is based on convolutional LSTM layers. That model needs another type of training data - only the last state of the game is not enough, it also needs all states leading up to it.

This dataset is made of full Dots and Boxes games, played by two Hard AIs.

ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator LSTM
sequence data
sequence data

Training Sequence

This dataset is like the Sequence dataset but with “Basic Strategy” target images.

ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator LSTM2

Stage Two

The data is generated just like Stage One, but this dataset generator uses cnpy to directly write the .npz file. This removes the overhead of sending the data to a separate, single-threaded python process. As a result, this dataset generator can fully utilize the CPU and is much faster.

ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator StageTwo --threads 8

Stage Three

Data is generated like in Stage Two but the policy is not saved as an image but as a vector of lines. StageThree additionally offers a value output for models like AlphaZeroV6 and up. The value is designed to approximate the chance of winning the game where 1 means winning and -1 means losing the game. It is calculated by playing the game to its end and then evaluating the number of captured boxes for each side as follows:

value = (OwnBoxes - EnemyBoxes) / (0.8 * TotalBoxes)

Create a Stage Three dataset by running:

ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator StageThree --threads 8

Stage Four / Stage Four (no MCTS)

This dataset generator comes in two flavors: with and without AlphaZero MCTS. The version with MCTS uses KSquare’s Hard AI and AlphaZero MCTS to generate data. As a result, it is possible to use this dataset generator to implement a simplified self-play loop.

Data is generated as follows:

In summary the Stage Four dataset generator uses AlphaZero MCTS for exactly one move to minimize computational cost while still providing means to improve upon the neural network.

The number of moves that are left before the AlphaZero MCTS calculates its move is determined randomly according to a gaussian normal distribution. The distribution is scaled according to the number of lines so that most samples are in the middle of the game. The following figure shows a histogram for 1.000.000 samples on a 3 x 3 board, which has 24 lines:

Histogram of moves left on a 3x3 board for 1.000.000 samples
Histogram of moves left on a 3x3 board for 1.000.000 samples

The value from the selected child node is used. In case of not using MCTS, the value is calculated as follows:

value = (OwnBoxes - EnemyBoxes) / TotalBoxes

Create a Stage Four dataset with one of the following commands:

ksquares --generate 16 --dataset-generator StageFour --threads 8 --gpu
ksquares --generate 1000 --dataset-generator StageFourNoMCTS --threads 8

The StageFour dataset generator offers two hyperparameters:

Histogram of moves left with hp-sigma-scale = 0.2 and hp-mean-scale = 0.6
Histogram of moves left with hp-sigma-scale = 0.2 and hp-mean-scale = 0.6

Model evaluation

The are two options to evaluate the trained models. The first option uses the native KSquares Dots and Boxes engine and displays all games while the second option is optimized for fast evaluation. In both cases, a selection of models will be evaluated by playing against the KSquares AIs Easy, Medium and Hard.

Slow GUI evaluation

Start the slow, GUI based model evaluation with:

ksquares --model-evaluation

Fast evaluation

Start the multi-threaded fast model evaluation with:

ksquares --fast-model-evaluation --threads 8

Common arguments

Both evaluation modes support the following optional arguments:

Example results

All games are played on a 5x5 board. The 5x5 board size is reserved for evaluation. No model was ever trained on any dataset with 5x5 boards.

Model Games Wins vs. Easyin 100 games Wins vs. Mediumin 100 games Wins vs. Hardin 100 games Errors
FirstTry 300 1 0 0 0
StageOne 3x3 300 58 27 6 0
StageOne 5x5 300 0 1 0 0
BasicStrategy 300 55 27 7 0
AlphaZeroV1 300 82 80 35 0
AlphaZeroV3 300 79 94 50 0
AlphaZeroV5 300 90 75 45 0
AlphaZeroV7 300 96 80 46 0
AlphaZeroV14 300 43 39 12 0
AlphaZeroV14_MCTS 300 93 84 60 0

The button Save results as will create an extensive report in markdown format. Here is an example model evaluation report that was rendered from the markdown file.


slow model evaluation with KSquares
slow model evaluation with KSquares


KSquares can operate a self-play loop which works as follows:

Each iteration uses the best network to generate new training data. By default, self-play starts with AlphaZeroV7 as the best network. The self-play mode supports two settings for the --data-generator option: StageFour, which is the default and StageFourNoMCTS, which is useful for generating data with rule based AIs. After it generated the data, KSquares trains the target model on the generated data.

In the first iteration, KSquares creates the target model if it does not exist. Every training process is logged separately. To train the next iteration of a network, KSquares calls with appropriate arguments. Training can be done on the CPU or GPU, depending on if --gpu-training is set. If the --cumulative-training flag is set, KSquares will use the network from the previous iteration as the starting point for training, even if it did not win in the evaluation. Without cumulative training, KSquares will base the training on the best network, that was also used to generate data. During self-play each version of the model will be saved separately with a _#iteration suffix, while the normal model name references the best version.

After training, KSquares will evaluate the new model against the best model, that was used to generate data. If the new model wins at least half of the games, it becomes the best model and as a result it will be used to generate data in the next iteration. Depending on the AI configuration in the models.yaml file, the evaluation will either use direct play (ConvNet) or MCTS.

Self-Play in KSquares can be started as follows:

ksquares --self-play --initial-model AlphaZeroV7 --target-model MyNewModelV1

Self-Play arguments

The following optional arguments will be considered by self-play:

Please be aware that the self-play mode honors hyperparameters for the StageFour dataset generator and the AlphaZero MCTS AI.

Using the self-play mode for training

It is possible to generate data very fast with the StageFourNoMCTS dataset generator and train a network on that data with KSquare’s self-play mode. StageFourNoMCTS data is generated purely with the Hard AI. So there is no improvement loop, just data generation and training with this setup.

ksquares --self-play --iteration-size 10000 --threads 8 --gpu-training --dataset-generator StageFourNoMCTS --initial-model AlphaZeroV11 --target-model AlphaZeroV11 --epochs 3 --no-evaluation

AlphaZeroV11 was trained for 38 iterations with a iteration size of 10,000 after it was created with the IPython Notebook.


ksquares –self-play
ksquares –self-play